3KMK US Elections
Quizz about the 2020 American presidential elections.
door Vladimir_Poutine
10 kwesties
1. What's the political system in U.S.A ?
a Monarchy
b Anarchy
c Democracy
d Dictatorship
2. Who's the last current president of U.S.A ?
a Barack Obama
b George W.Bush
c Donald J.Trump
d Joe Biden
3. Who was Trump vice president ?
a Hilary Clinton
b Mike Pence
c Joe Biden
d No vice president
4. Who's the president elect of the 2020 American presidential elections ?
a Joe Biden
b Donald Trump
c Kanye West
d Barck Obama
5. Why does Trump refuse to acknowledge his defeat ?
a He don't wants leave the White House
b He hates Joe Biden
c He's crying
d He claims that there is some fraud
6. What's the political partie of Biden ?
a Republican
b Capitalist
c Communist
d Democrat
7. What's the symbol of the republicans ?
a Dog
b Monkey
c Elephant
d Donkey
8. How many electors there are in U.S.A ?
a 538
b 853
c 385
d 583
9. How many electors you need to win the elections ?
a 538
b 19
c 270
d 3
10. Who's the candidate Kanye West ?
a A boxer
b A footballer
c A cook
d A rapper