2023 thanksgiving traditions
Hello , its à quiz of thanksgiving. Good Game
door Nael_cht67
15 kwesties
1. Where is thanksgiving celebrated ?
a In England
b In France
c In America
d In Argentina
2. What’s on thanksgiving dinner ?
a A turkey
b A fish and ships
c A couscous
d Mac and cheese
3. Who pardons a turkeys for thanksgiving ?
a Because they are famous
b Because he doesn't like turkey
c Because it is a humorous tradition
d Because the turkey has no brother
4. How many turkeys are eaten in the america each year ?
a 80 millions
b 150 millions
c 250 millions
d 200 millions
5. What does Bell the turkey like to eat ?
a A tacos
b A hot dogs
c Salted null roll
d Mc and cheese
6. When is thanksgiving ?
a The 4st thursday in novembre
b 31 octobre
c 25 décember
d 12 february
7. Which sport is associated with thanksgiving ?
a This is a golf
b This is a Soccer
c This is a basketball
d This is a football
8. What does the black friday in mean ?
a They just take a Colors
b Because a black is Beautiful
c Because de black is a colors of crédit
d They like This Colors
9. When is black friday ?
a This is a day before thanksgiving
b Black friday is the day after thanksgiving
c This is the friday after thanksgiving
d This is a friday after Halloween
10. Why people go crazy at the black friday ?
a Because its for a shopping
b Then in store everything is cheaper , on slae or discont
c Its for a food and like a sport
d Its for nothing
11. What do the américans do after the thanksgiving dinner ?
a They Watch the football match on tv as a family
b They a traditional dance of Turkeys
c They the cook the dessert together
d They a mc and cheese with a family
12. What is the name of the pardons the turkeys ?
a Lenny and nancy
b Maria and Daisy
c Liberty and Bell
d Tom and Jerry
13. Who many turkeys is pardons ?
a 1 turkeys
b 3 turkeys
c 2 turkeys
d 5 turkeys
14. When the tradition of thanksgiving appeared ?
a Middle-age
b 20th century
c Préhistory
d 1789
15. Wich football teams can the américans play each year ?
a The détroit lions and the dallas cowboys
b The réal Madrid ans dortumund
c Chicago bulls and the Lakers
d The dallas cat and the dallas cowboys